• Projection-Rencontre Film «Nul homme n'est une île»

  • Projection-Rencontre Film «Nul homme n'est une île»
  • Projection-Rencontre Film «Nul homme n'est une île»
  • Projection-Rencontre Film «Nul homme n'est une île»
  • Projection-Rencontre Film «Nul homme n'est une île»
  • Projection-Rencontre Film «Nul homme n'est une île»
  • Projection-Rencontre Film «Nul homme n'est une île»
  • Projection-Rencontre Film «Nul homme n'est une île»
  • Projection-Rencontre Film «Nul homme n'est une île»

Screening of and meeting with the film "Nul homme n'est une île" by Dominique Marchais, in the presence of farmers from the "Galline Felici" cooperative in Sicily. Dominique Marchais's documentary Nul homme n'est une île (No Man is an Island) is a journey across Europe, from the Mediterranean to the Alps, where we discover the men and women who are working to bring the spirit of democracy to life locally and to produce the landscape of good government. From the farmers of the "Galline Felici" cooperative in Sicily to the architects, craftsmen and elected representatives of the Swiss Alps and the Voralberg in Austria, they are all making politics out of their work and thinking about a common destiny. Driven by the joy of making, creating, inventing, collaborating and protecting the earth and its treasures. These are collectives that build and make another world possible on a daily basis. In Sicily, it's the Galline Felici - Happy Chickens - cooperative that is valiantly challenging the rules of the market. These are experiments that have the power to set an example. These magnificent pioneers are quietly and joyfully telling us that the solution will either be collective or it won't be: we are definitely not islands.

Dates and times

Friday 14 June 2024 between 8.30 pm and 11 pm.

Prices & payment methods

- Adult8 €
- Reduced price7 €
Online payment