• Théâtre - Gisèle Halimi Défendre

  • Théâtre - Gisèle Halimi Défendre
  • Théâtre - Gisèle Halimi Défendre
  • Théâtre - Gisèle Halimi Défendre

Gisèle Halimi died on 28 July 2020 at the age of 93. Her words must live on. Throughout her life of commitment and struggle, Gisèle Halimi was driven by a spirit, a stubbornness: that of "fierce freedom". First for herself, then for all those she defended. Solo theatrical performance by Compagnie L'Ouvrage, presented by Soroptimist International Saintes. For all audiences aged 12 and over. It's a rendez-vous. The words of Gisèle Halimi engage the audience in a direct relationship: childhood memories, interviews and pleadings intertwine, like a summary of her battles. A little girl rebelling against the Tunisian patriarchy, a woman involved in the Algerian war, a leading figure in the fight for women's rights, close to Simone de Beauvoir... With a certain vision of justice and an unwavering commitment to defending human rights. Without re-enactment, actress Marie Ragu embodies this "disrespectful lawyer", perpetuating her ardour, her stubbornness and her fierce defence of freedoms. This powerful and invigorating one-hour solo performance calls on us to remain vigilant in our defence of rights and freedoms, echoing the struggles of yesterday with those of today. Cast : Acting: Marie RAGU Director: Alice GEAIRON Advice, outside view: Virginie DAUDIN Stage Manager: Marie-Edith LEYSSENE or Anaïs PIERRE Set Design: Vanessa JOUSSEAUME

Dates and times

Monday 13 May 2024 at 8 pm.

Prices & payment methods

- Full price20 €
- Reduced price10 €
Bank/credit card
Online payment